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September 27, 2020

Federal Circuit Shoots Down Apple Bid to Strike Certain Voip-Pal Claims Upheld by PTAB

In the latest episode of a long-running saga between Apple and Voip-Pal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on Friday denied Apple’s request to reverse the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s (PTAB’s) determination.....


May 17, 2019

President Donald Trump Should Investigate the Corrupt Patent System and Passage of the AIA

“Courts should never be tasked with dealing with the complexities of patent validity because they lack the necessary technical expertise".....


July 12, 2018

Bellevue Company Gets Rare Patent Win - Suit Against Tech Giants Gets Agency Okay

A small Bellevue-headquartered technology company has won a landmark ruling from a controversial patent-appeals board that executives and key shareholders of the little company suggest could lead to...


July 11, 2018

Still No Answer From PTAB on Apple Sanctions Request Against VoIP-Pal After Six Months

On February 9th, 2016, Bellevue, WA-based digital multimedia communications firm VoIP-Pal filed a lawsuit alleging claims of patent infringement against Cupertino, CA-based consumer tech giant Apple....


April 10, 2017

Voip-Pal A Potential Financial Winner in the Patent Legal Wars

CEOCFO Magazine and, an online source of news about promising medical, technology and energy companies, today released an interview with Emil Malak, CEO & Director of


March 27, 2017

The Importance of Protecting Patents

(NewsUSA) - America's economic engine is fueled by innovation. The ideas and inventions that emerge from researchers' labs or the garages of budding entrepreneurs have spawned powerhouse companies...


February 21, 2017

Voip-Pal Files $9.7 Billion Lawsuit to Protect its Pioneering Telecom Technology

In an Interview with CEOCFO Magazine, Voip-Pal Founder Emil Malak Explains how the Company Expects to bring Major Returns to Shareholders by Proving that Major Companies are Infringing on its Key Patents...

Investor Relations Inquiries:

Rich Inza


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